Please Make a Tax-Deductible Gift Recipient (D.G.R.) Donation!

We rely on support from people like you to create sustainable change in our great Nation of Australia. The financial aid we receive makes a big difference in how we conduct our programs and services.

However, if you prefer to donate your time and energy, we would love to use your skills and talents in a capacity that helps the lives of our charity's recipients/communities; for more information, please visit:

We are Not-for-Profit and Charity Community Consultants (N.F.P.C.C.C.), which are a National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander (First Nations - Indigenous) and LGBTIQA+ / Diversity & Inclusion Social Enterprise Charity.

We assist Entrepreneurs + Leaders, Community Organisations and Leaders + Directors and Executives who need help and guidance on how to run or begin their adventure within the sector + have a goal and mission to help vulnerable people.

We are dedicated to helping Not-for-Profit (NFP) + Charities and Social Enterprises + For-Purpose & For-Good Organisations with their Mission, Goals, and Purposes to ensure they can best Serve their Communities.

Our Motto is simple, powerful, direct and effective "HELPING YOU - HELP THOSE IN NEED!"

We Established in the heart of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

We hold the following Accreditations / Governance Registrations: Public Benevolent Institution (P.B.I.) and Tax-Deductible Gift Recipient (D.G.R.) Registration with the Australian Charities & Not-for-Profit Commission (A.C.N.C.) and Australia Tax Office (A.T.O.) + We are a registered Social Enterprise/Indigenous Corporation with Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (O.R.I.C.) and Supply Nation (S.N.)

Did you know your donation over $2 is Tax-Deductible and can be claimed on your Tax-Return!

How is this possible? We are a Public Public Benevolent Institution (P.B.I.) and Tax-Deductible Gift Recipient (D.G.R.) Registration with the Australian Charities & Not-for-Profit Commission (A.C.N.C.) and Australia Tax Office (A.T.O.) + We are a registered Social Enterprise/Indigenous Corporation with Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (O.R.I.C.) and Supply Nation (S.N.)

We are also really close partners and support our other Charity Diverse Communities & Social Services (DCSS Australia), which is a National Indigenous & LGBTIQ+ Community Justice & Social Services Program (C.J.P.) Charity.